Hydrology & Water Resources

OD Hydrology is a small, Brisbane-based consultancy with extensive experience and ongoing projects in all aspects of hydrology, water supply, water management and water resource planning throughout Australia. Extensive and continuing work has been and is being undertaken for projects across a range of industries – both privately-owned and Government-based – throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.


Our Services


ODH provides hydrological advice and support in the agricultural sector for private farm owners, corporations and government clients alike. Our real-world knowledge  of agricultural assets and how this is applied within our farm-based modelling provides a clear understanding of the potential variability in climate/hydrology and related business/ farm/ cropping behaviours, and how that affects the long-term performance of an asset.

Catchment Water Planning

ODH has experience and expertise in understanding, developing and applying catchment-scale modelling tools and techniques. We have a thorough understanding of the linkages between the modelling, the defined policy framework and settings, and the consequent real-world accounting rules, environmental flow outcome implications and effects on individual’s entitlements.


We possess thorough knowledge of both the detail of on-site mine water use and management requirements, as well as the wider requirements and implications in terms of water planning and environmental objectives. This means that we are able to bridge the gap between project-specific operational issues and the approvals-based requirements of, and discussions with, Departmental and other stakeholders.

Urban Water Supply

ODH has expertise in climatic variability, climate change, hydrological processes, urban water supply systems and demand/ supply security frameworks and requirements. This means that we are able to provide clear advice regarding current supply security risks and options for mitigation and improvement, in a robust and well-understood performance assessment framework.

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